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Annual Conference Hosting - Interest Form


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Hosting an International ACAC
Annual Conference

You are welcome to submit this form at any time to express your interest in learning more about hosting an International ACAC Annual Conference. Submitting the form is not a commitment to host - it is an expression of your interest in learning more or beginning the host proposal process.

Hosting an International ACAC Annual Conference is an excellent strategy to increase your international profile and enrollment by highlighting what makes your campus and community unique. Previous hosts have reported that having hundreds of secondary school counselors on their campus has had an immediate impact on their application pool. Some have seen increases in international applications of up to 45%, and all have seen increases in diversity and quality.

By completing this form, you will be invited to any information session, presentation, or conversation for interested hosts. International ACAC understands that hosting a conference requires collaborations across your campus and within your community, and we want to assist you in gathering the information necessary for confidently submitting your institution's name as a potential host.

This form will inquire about the following considerations:

  • Are you interested in being the primary host, holding the majority of events on your institution's campus, or a secondary host that would support the primary host?
  • How many attendees could your campus host at one time?
  • Could you provide on-campus housing, and if so, how many beds could you provide?
  • How many dining facilities are on your campus? Can you provide on-campus catering services?
  • What types of transportation could your institution provide? (For example, on-campus shuttles, vans/buses, bus passes, golf carts, etc.)
  • What airports and/or train stations are nearby? This information helps us determine how attendees might travel to your campus.
  • And, of course, we would love to know why you are interested in hosting!

At the end of the form, you will have the opportunity to share any specific questions you have about being an International ACAC Annual Conference host. 

Please note that host institutions must have active International ACAC member(s) on staff. 

Should you have any questions about this interest form, please contact Erin Garcia, International ACAC Executive Director, at  

Kindly note that you must be an International ACAC member to submit this form. 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

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Submitted By
Please provide the following information about the person submitting this Inquiry Form so that we may follow up with you to provide more information.

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About the College/University
Please provide information about the college/university (or colleges/universities) who are interested in potentially hosting an International ACAC Annual Conference.

Do you plan to partner with any neighboring college or university?

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Questions About Hosting

Please provide the name(s) of any college/university you might partner with.

Please describe your thoughts on how you might collaborate with the other college(s) or university/ies listed above. 

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About the College/University
Please provide information about the college/university (or colleges/universities) who are interested in potentially hosting an International ACAC Annual Conference.

What year(s) would you be interested in hosting (select all that apply).


How many conference attendees could your campus host? Please note that there are a few events that need to be able to have all conference attendees in attendance (opening events in particular).

On-campus housing is a great option for many conference attendees. How many on-campus beds could you provide?

We generally use campus dining facilities during the conference. What on-campus dining options could you provide? Check all that apply.

We would have to cater from off-campus
1-3 on-campus dining facilities
4-8 on-campus dining facilities
9 or more on-campus dining facilities
On-campus catering services
Other on-campus dining/catering options

Depending on distances across campus or to off-campus housing/events, transportation may be necessary. What type(s) of transportation options could you provide? (check all that apply)

None available
Vans or busses to/from off-campus housing or events
City bus passes (or similar)
Golf carts for around campus
Other on-campus transportation
We have other transportation options not listed here

Please list the local airports, train stations, bus stations, etc., where people would arrive to attend the conference. Please indicate aproximately how far away they are from campus.

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Questions About Hosting

There is a lot involved when planning to submit a proposal to host an annual conference. International ACAC is happy to help you understand the different components and considerations. Please share below any questions you have that would help you determine how best to move forward in the proposal process. 

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